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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It was all I could do to drag myself out of bed this morning. Yesterday, I had an appointment to see the surgeon about my knee. The MRI results were in. Secretly, I was hoping he would say the MRI results were so severe they had no idea how I was able to stand it. They would schedule me for surgery immediately.

Dream on

The MRI results were normal. My surgery has been cancelled. The surgeon said there is nothing he can do. There is no visable damage to the knee. There is nothing for him to operate on. I begged him to do something, anything. He said normally, he would recommend I try Physio and anti imflamitories. Been there, done that. Physio only made the pain worse and the anti imflamitories did nothing. He said he could give me one shot of cortisone but that was all he could do for me. Basically, I just have to learn to live with the pain. It will now be a constant companion in my life. I can think of other things I would rather have as a companion. Money, friendship, entertainment..... you get the idea.

I really didn't know anything about cortisone shots. I did learn that it comes from one HUGE needle. ( I am not really crazy about needles) I have also discovered that the discomfort from the injection is extreme. Every time I would roll over in the night, the pain would wake me up. I can hardly walk today. To top it off, he said the cortisone won't kick in for about a week. What fun!

Bottom line is I don't feel that telling a patient that they are just going to have to live with the pain is good medicine. You would think that with all our medical advances, someone could offer a suggestion for pain relief. I am going to call my doctor today and see if I can get a second opinion or if my doctor could send me out of province to get more help. I am not quite ready to give up yet. However, if I am told no. I might just have to face the facts that I will have to live with pain for the rest of my life. I really understand the frustration that people with chronic pain must have.

Hope things are going better for the rest of you.


Leigh said...

Sending you a *hug* today. Health care isn't it great...NOT!!

Happy Hump Day.

Canuckguy said...

--When I started having sore knees plus sore ankles, stiff and sore in the mornings, I had a hard time getting down the stairs, I started taking joint pills on the advice of a friend(I never bothered with a doctor). It said on the bottle that it would take about 3 months for the positive impact to be felt and sure enough, it made a dramatic improvement. The stuff I use is a glucosamine/chondroitine/MSM by Jamieson, a 1300 mg pill. Why don't you ask your doctor about this off the shelf treatment. Dakota(sp?) also has a good joint pill, another friend swears by it.

Anonymous said...

Pain is so draining, I really hope you get that second Dr. I wish I could help.



honkeie said...

man that sucks.....I wish the best for u and if it was me I would put my drug dealer on speed dial again