Gimmie Some Love



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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Fuck you ! Fridays

This giant fuck you is not a happy one. Pedophiles make my blood boil. There is not enough punishment in the world for these monsters. My heart, thoughts and prayers are with the families of these boys. I hope they heal and find some comfort. Please join me in giving a huge FUCK YOU to pedophiles and the legal system that lets these scum walk among us.


MG said...

DAMN girl, is that your fingernail????

sry, got distracted.. ;)

yes, a huge FUCK YOU...

Have a better FUCKING day now that you've got that covered!


Hoochie Mama said...

They let em go? What the FUCK is wrong with them? big big FUCK YOU!!!

Have a wonderful FUCKING weekend!!!

Professor Fate said...

Fuck you at anyone who thinks morally abhorent sex is OK - pedophiles and rapist. It isn't about sex it is about control. I believe the movie "Little Nicky" described there punishment in Hell, big pineapples up the ass (leaves first)

Have a great weekend.

Philip said...

FUCK YES!!! I read some story yesterday about a guy in Ohio who is trying to claim that he has a moral right to have sex with boys...BOYS, because it is part of his religion...which he invented. FUCK THAT GUY. How is he not castrated? Why has no one put a bullet between his fucking eyes! Now I am pissed off again.

Happy Fuck You Friday though

Canadian Sentinel said...

For fuck's sake...

I hope the fucking fucker of a child rapist ends up spending eternity in a tiny cell with a big, fat, hairy gay man who himself is doing life for going around like some automaton, fucking other guys up the crapper, ever so brutally violently...

Give the fucker the same treatment I prescribe for the fucking Islamic jihadists. Slow death via sodomy.

Why the fuck does the leftist state apparatus think it's a good idea to let these monsters go all the time after a little while in the "hotel"?

Ah, fuck all them pedos. If I were PM, they'd go away for life.

Yet what the fuck is this I hear about the possibility that a judge might grant the fucker bail?! Bail?! Are the leftists fucking insane? They want to let him go free yet again? (Conditions mean nothing to monsters)...

Well, fuck y'all and have a great fuckin' weekend! :-)

Billy said...

I like to think I could trust the legal system to deal with anyone that hurt my kids...

But I'm sure I'd dismember them myself anyway. A little at a time...

A grand and well deserved fuck you.

honkeie said...

Our justice system is set up to protect the right of the crimal and his lawyers. Crime does pay as long as u can afford a good lawyer. A big Fuck You to these pppl

guttergirl said...

The thing is here we don't have justice system. We have a legal system. There is no justice in our country.

Canadian Sentinel said...

Right. There's no justice. Just a make-work boondoggle for lawyers, judge-activists, parole officers, etc...

It's the fault of the left. The left doesn't believe in responsibility. They believe in helping themselves to whatever they want, regardless of whether it might hurt others. So selfish. No wonder the left won't be so apt to punish the monster in question: if they punish him, they'll have to be punished, too, for whatever wrongs they've committed.

Apparently the only folks who get punished for stuff are, ironically, the law-abiding, own-business-minding conservatives who believe in law enforcement and justice. Oh, yeah... we get abused by the taxman, with no recourse at all, as the taxman already has everyone's money and lawyer coworkers just sitting doing nothing... we can't afford lawyers, as the bastards took our money in the first place... ah, fuck them... and fuck the monster with a ten foot pole, thus scrambling whatever's inside his fucking cranium... it sure ain't brains!

Anonymous said...

You never know when or how justice I delivered, but it’s my experience it eventually will pall on the deserved.
