Gimmie Some Love



100% Free Personals from JustSayHi

Monday, August 14, 2006


Here we are again. Anyone interested in learning what I did on Friday?

I tried to milk surfing on my kitchen floor.I guess I am not very good. Who knew? The twins I look after had spilled their milk on the kitchen floor. So silly me thought it would be a good idea to clean it up. As I walked over to clean it up, I slipped on it and went for a little ride. Keep in mind, the gophers already tried to punnish me. I twisted my knee even more. I landed myself in the hospital emergency room.

The bright side of it is that I only had to wait an hour as oppossed to the usual 12 hours. My doctor was very nice looking too so it wasn't all bad. I am now on heavy duty pain killers. They also gave me crutches. Let's assess this for a minute. I ended up in this mess because I cannot walk on my own two feet. The solution? Give me drugs and two more feet to deal with. Does this sound like a disaster in the making to anyone else? Too bad this didn't bump up my surgery date at all.

I hope you all had a better weekend.


AndyT13 said...

Sorry about your spill. Feel better.

honkeie said...

If the cause doesnt do u in the cure will be sure to finish u off. Sorry about the spill, hope the rest of the week goes better

Canadian Sentinel said...

Hey, Guttergirl!

Still want to tell Ahmadinejad to go fuck himself or something?

Well, try the link to his blog again.

I did. Got in. Left another comment. It's as follows:

"Why don't you just hang yourself?

There is no Allah. Allah is a myth.

You are a damn fool.

Islam is nothing but a joke. A death cult.

Such losers be ye.

You, Ahmadinejad, are a waste of space."

I just hope he reads it.

Hopefully it'll so unnerve him as to cause him to accidentally nuke himself!

Go get 'im, Guttergirl! Give 'im the "Friday" treatment!

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better I can't aford to lose one of my fave readers.

Thank you for your comments. It means a lot to me that you care for Charlotte so much. Help her if you can.

You comments mean a lot to me also.


Leigh said...

Milk surfing! That almost sounds fun. Be careful you crazy girl.

Have a great day.

MG said...

wow. who knew.

Anonymous said...

which I could say I did, knee still needs surgury :-) Since January....

You killed cupid in self defense?? Thank you. His ass was annoying me.