Gimmie Some Love



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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

My dirty little secret

Okay my lovlies it is confession time. At the risk of never ever hearing from Al again, I must confessed something. Yes, it is repulsive. It might scare you. It might even torture you. You might turn your back on me. I need to clear my conscience though. I hang my head in shame as I admit this. I like this stupid song. I always have. I understand I might be kicked out of heavy metal heavan.. Please forgive my musical sins.

Music Video Codes by VideoCure


JQ75 said...

LMAO, no, no, not AT you GG, I wouldn't be that rude. I'm laughing at your heartfelt confession.

Now, GG, if that's your dirtiest secret, you are squeaky clean. LOL.

It is the nature of pop music that some will have a good message and a good hook and we'll like them long after they've become cliche'.

So in my book GG, no apology needed. Take care and hold your head up high once again...

Mackey said...

Ha! That can not be your dirtiest did you get the name Guttergirl;)
Don't feel too dirty, you are not alone. ( I like it too) Shhhhh....

ALRO said...

Oh... MY.... GAWD!!

You know what's scary as shit?! Raymond came home last night singing that!!!!

I cringed...