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Friday, March 16, 2007

Céad Míle Failte...A hundred thousand welcomes

The Irish Claddagh Symbol is named for the Irish coastal town of Claddagh (pronounced "clah-dah"), where the ring design is attributed to an ancient local legend about a townsman kidnapped into slavery, who returns to present a ring to his true love. Claddagh rings are a traditional token of loyalty and friendship as well as romantic love. The Claddagh design usually appears on rings, but is now used on all sorts of items, from jewellry to napkins to family crests. The hands in the design represent friendship, the heart, love, and the crown, loyalty. Various traditions ascribe different meanings to the ring, depending on how it is worn- as a wedding ring, it is worn on the left hand, with the heart pointed inward. As an engagement ring, it is worn on the right hand, with the heart pointing inward; for friendship, it is worn on the right hand, heart turned outward.

I want one of these. Just to remind myself that I always have some true friends. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point in the wrong direction


The Idiot Speaketh said...

In my life....The splinters are ALWAYS pointing the wrong way! Happy St Pattys day! I shall wear green "Hulk" Underoos to mark the occasion!

JQ75 said...

May you have a wonderful St. Patrick's day.

I will celebrate with my son with an extra visitation day on the 17th. As we both are his namesake (middle name), it will be extra special.

Éireann go Brách... (Ireland Forever)

Melissa said...

splinters pointing the non painful direction would be a great change for once! :) Happy St Patrick's day my blogger friend! :)