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Monday, October 02, 2006


It is 11 pm. I have just gotten back from the hospital. My daughter is still their with her dad waiting to see a doctor. They have been there for 5 hours now. Surprisingly, this is not what has made me so mad.

Let me back up a little. My daughter joined the handball team at her school. Their first (and probably her last) practice was tonight. When I went to pick her up, she met me halfway. They got out early. The first thing she said to me was " Mom, I think I broke my finger" Uhoh. "Let's see it baby". This poor child's little finger is swollen to twice its size and it horizontal to her hand! I asked her if she told her gym teacher about it. She said she had and her response was...(Here is where I get REALLY ANGRY) " There is nothing wrong with it. Go home now." WTF?!?!?!?

I have had issues with this teacher from her first day of school. I have always taught my kids that when you are playing a game, you play by the rules or we don't play at all. This teacher comes along and tells the kids that it doesn't matter if you break the rules of a game. When my son got upset about this, he was told it was no big deal and that he had to learn to get over it. This teacher also has a big hate on for my other daughter. My other daughter absolutely hates all sports. Therefore this teacher hates her. She blames my daughter for things that are not her fault. Even when witnessess say my daughter is innocent, in this lady's ( and I use the term loosely) eyes my daughter is guilty. Now she sends my obviously injured child home alone.

I understand that when you play sports there is a chance of injury. I am not upset that she hurt herself. It happens. What I am angry about is that she did not even look at her injury. She did not offer first aid, an ice pack or a phone call home to say my daughter was injured. To top it off, she sent them home early by themselves. It gets dark earlier now and I was not crazy about my daughter injured and walking home alone.

The principal can expect a very angry phone call from me in the morning. It won't do alot of good, but it will make me feel better. This principal is useless too. Her favorite saying when confronted is "Really, it is the first I have heard of it" Even if you have been in there a dozen times for the same problem. I know she is going to excuse the gym teacher's behaviour by saying something like the teacher had no way of knowing she was injured. My head is throbbing just thinking about this little conversation we will have tomorrow. Hence why I am MAD AS HELL!

Hope everyone else had a better Monday.


Canadian Sentinel said...

People like the gym teacher totally piss me off.

Not caring about rules? Bet she doesn't care about laws, either... it doesn't matter... what is she, a Liebrano? Most likely.

Such a cruel, uncaring, mean-spirited asshole should not get away with this. In fact, I believe a crime may have been committed here by the gym teacher, something along the lines of neglect, a failure to ensure the safety and security of the students under her authority. Indeed, I believe you should, if the principal dismisses your complaint and does nothing, seek legal advice if you so desire.

How dare she cause your daughter to suffer like that? It's unacceptable... after all, this is Canada!

This sort of cavalier, uncaring behavior is an epidemic in this country. And it must be stopped.

guttergirl said...

I wish I could take you with me to the school today.

BTW. The finger is definetly broken and the poor kid didn't get home from the hospital til 4 am.

Canadian Sentinel said...

4 AM... oh, dear... and with a broken finger... and waiting so long... totally sucks. The way it is, if one isn't in grave danger, one has to wait... pretty much every time, no matter how much suffering one is under. I've seen it so many times when I took my dad to the ER with asthmatic episodes that took the "best health care system in the world" seven months to finally diagnose, and after so many ER visits and two hospital stays. Ironically, it costs taxpayers more due to the incapability of the system to quickly find a specialist to make the diagnosis! It's a mess!

The gym teacher ought to have it made plainly clear that her attitude is unacceptable.

Could be a problem... as teachers are unionized, and unions tend to stick up for workers even when they have a bad attitude that hurts others. Part of the culture of selfish entitlement of hedonistic leftists who only care about themselves, despite their rhetoric about caring and compassion via the government... with other peoples' money.

It's another example of the problems that stem from the deterioration of society due to liberalism. People are ruder than ever. More selfish than ever. The list of character flaws being picked up by more and more people goes on and on, as there's less and less emphasis on personal responsibility for oneself and with respect to others. People are becoming increasingly inconsiderate of others.

And when we criticize these rude people, we get accused of such ridiculous things as "wanting to take away peoples' rights". As if it's a "right" to be rude, inconsiderate and even cruel towards others!

Yes... it's one of the problems of liberalism. Liberalism doesn't mean "live and let live"... rather it means to take, take, take from and impose, impose, impose on others in order to satisfy oneself. Liberalism is about being selfish, as a matter of fact.

I certainly hope the gym teacher gets somehow disciplined! She's such an asshole!

When I was a kid, the teachers were always responsible and caring... but the things I hear about teachers these days... I find disturbing, even alarming. Something is going wrong with our society and its institutions. Very wrong.