Gimmie Some Love



100% Free Personals from JustSayHi

Friday, October 06, 2006

I am in a pretty good mood today all things considered. I have discovered I have the best support system in the world and to top it off, the Trailer Park Boys movie opens today. I didn't think much could upset me today. Then I read >this

So my FUCK YOU FRIDAY is to all these sick people. How people can people use another person's grief to forward their cause? It is just plain sick. I hope there is a special place in hell for these "people"

I hope everyone has a great weekend. To my Canadian friends "Happy Thanksgiving"


Anonymous said...

I couldn't follow the link, but have a good weekend anyway ;)

Mackey said...

The link didn't work for me either.
Have a great Thanksgiving weekend.

Canadian Sentinel said...

To get to the link, simply remove one of the double-"http"s from the url.

It's a story about some idiots picketing an Amish funeral.

Picketing funerals? No matter who does it, to whom, or for what supposed reason, that disgusts me. One doesn't picket funerals! It just isn't done!

Good to see that President Bush doesn't like it, either, and wants funerals to be protest-free.

Picketing funerals should be made a serious crime.

All in agreement... Say aye!

guttergirl said...


Anonymous said...

You posted on Friday and now it is Tuesday! Are you still hung over from Thanksgiving?!!! Time to use that new hardware on the leg, kick your husband, and get back on the computer! Or else! We will take the 3 remaining US soldiers that we have left and we will have them invade Manitoba!

Canadian Sentinel said...

Speaking of the Trailer Park Boys... here's an irrelevant little factoid relating to myself:

My sister-in-law used to go to the same high school at the same time as two of 'em. The ones without the glasses.