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Friday, September 22, 2006


THE LAW IS THE LAW I hope this makes its way around CANADA several times over!!!

So if the CANADIAN government determines that it is against the law for the words "under God" to be on our money, then, so be it. And if that same government decides that the "Ten Commandments" are not to be used in or on a government installation, then, so be it. And since they already have prohibited any prayer in the schools, on which they deem their authority, then so be it. I say, "so be it," because I would like to be a law abiding Canadian citizen I say, "so be it," because I would like to think that smarter people than I are in positions to make good decisions. I would like to think that those people have the Canadian Public's best interests at heart.


Since we can't pray to God, can't Trust in God and cannot post His Commandments in Government buildings, I don't believe the Government and its employees should participate in the Easter and Christmas.... celebrations which honor the God that our government is eliminating from many facets of Canadian life. I'd like my mail delivered on Christmas, Good Friday, Thanksgiving & Easter. After all, it's just another day. I'd like our Government to be in session on Christmas, Good Friday,Thanksgiving & Easter as well as Sundays. After all, it's just another day. I'd like ALL Representatives to not have to worry about getting home for the "Christmas Break." After all, it's just another day. I'm thinking that a lot of my taxpayer dollars could be saved, if all government offices & services would work on Christmas, Good Friday & Easter. It shouldn't cost any overtime since those would be just like any other day of the week to a government that is trying to be "politically correct."

In fact.... I think that our government should work on Sundays (initially set aside for worshipping God...) because, after all, our government says that it should be just another day....

What do you all think????

If this idea gets to enough people, maybe our elected officials will stop giving in to the minority opinions and begin, once again, to represent the majority" of ALL of the people. SO BE IT...........


I got this little gem from my Mother in Law. I can understand the frustration behind it but I am afraid that is will be the start of a slippery slope. My son informed me yesterday that in school they no longer use BC and AD. It is politically incorrect. So now they use BCE( Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era). Even his teacher thought it was getting a little out of hand.

So in honor of political correctness gone mad I offer a huge FUCK YOU! As an added bonus, Blogger won't let me upload a picture so FUCK YOU! to blogger too.

Have a great weekend


MG said...

Have a great Friday and thanks for all the comments the past few days ;)

Hoochie Mama said...

That's good! We have the same shit going on here. WTF!?!

Have a good weekend!

Canadian Sentinel said...

When Blogger won't let me upload a pic, I simply use Photobucket.

Oh, and I'll join in and say "fuck you!" to political correctness.

Them leftists... how come they always seem to get their way? Hmm!

hockeyman said...

Hey.. take God off the money honey but we need more holdays not less..

Canadian Sentinel said...

It's ironic that leftists call themselves "liberal" but they're not liberal towards people who want to say "God" or a prayer... especially if they're Christians.

"Liberal", my ass.

Fuck the hypocritical "liberals".

They demand what they want, but they don't want others to have what THEY are constitutionally entitled to.

Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from seeing or hearing anything religious in public. Liberals are supposed to "live and let live", not to be intolerant.

Strange how they'll find the mention of God or Jesus in public to be offensive, but they'll scream "bigot" when folks say they're offended at the sight of two guys wearing bumless patent leather chaps slobberingly, loudly frenching in public or at the sight of Muslims holding up picket signs that say, "Islam will dominate the world" or "The mushroom cloud is on its way".

Such hypocrites, the leftists.

Mackey said...

Sweet Lord!! You are not serious re: the BC & AD!!?? That is insane.
Political incorrectness is definitely out of hand!!!

honkeie said...

Its no better here in the USA. They say there is a seperation of church and state but everytime I end up in court for drunken disordily conduct they make me put my hand on a bible and swear to tell the truth. Now I am not religous in any imaginable so I will swear on a bible or any book for that matter.
(I have nothing agaist ppl that are religous it just usnt in me to be but I do believe in god)
But the two faced look at the idea of the seperation is almost comical. Easter egg hunts on the court house lawns, nativity sences during xmass and those jew candle thingies that means something religous as they are lit. If there was a real seperation the courts and anything government would be part of the the athiest nation and we would not see President GW lipsyncing 'Oh Holly Night' on tv.

tomax7 said...

Yeah, well said, let's work another day, but that won't swing, so we'll change the names.

Happy Holiday! Merry Estrogen!