Gimmie Some Love



100% Free Personals from JustSayHi

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Happy HNT!

The batteries in my camera are dead and I can't find the charger. Sorry gang. You just have to suffer through a rerun. Happy HNT!


AndyT13 said...

Hardly suffering! :-) HHNT!

Leesa said...

Sexy! HHNT :)

honkeie said...

Rerun or not I love thigh highs with a wife can get me to paint the house with just the promise of wearing them lol.

Schadeboy said...

Seing as how I have never seen this one before, it's new to me. And I'll agree with Andyt13. Very nice.

Happy HNT!

tom said...

very sexy!

Anonymous said...

reruns are my favorite!!! Especially on you!!


Sir Dirty Joke said...

not suffering at all! HHNT sexy!

BKS said...

Rerun is fine as I am still relatively new to this blog thing and I missed this one first time....I will not miss the stockings nd your legs do such a nice job of making them look awesome


The Idiot Speaketh said...

Pink VESPA! Looks like you have gotten quite a fan club there GG!

Anonymous said...

I love hot legs...I kiss them, hold them, rub them, crawl up them, and on and on...

Great's a pleasure to meet you. Stop by sometime.

Hoochie Mama said...

We can deal with the reruns! *big grin*

Happy late HNT!!!

Canadian Sentinel said...

I like your style, GG.

Hmm... gives me an idea... maybe I'll take a picture of my big hairy legs... with socks on... just for the hell of it and post it on my blog.

Nah... nobody wants to see MY legs... they can't hold a candle to yours...

tomax7 said...

nice legs...

Hey CS, why doncha shave yours?

My legs made my high school yearbook.

They were doing a couple page spread on 70's hairstyles and Rob Shipman and me pulled our pants up and showed the hairest pair of crawlers you seen. Made the book eh.

I'll try to scan it sometime.

tomax7 said...

did ya notice some women's legs are like the landing gear of the F18's during an air craft carrier deck landing?

Curved outwards and twisted a bit.

Man I'm setting myself up for a dirty thought...