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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

uh oh.

Do you know how depressing it is to figure out you are worth more dead than alive? Boy, if my surgery goes wrong, my family hits the jackpot. Right now that might not be a bad thing. I have managed to dig myself into a big finacial hole. I am not sure how I did it. I guess it takes talent. I don't have enough money to make my mortgage payment this week. I thought I had it all planned out. You know how that goes though. All those expenses you weren't expecting. The $200.00 for my daughter's meds didn't help. Plus one of my parents only paid me half of what she owed me. Now I am screwed. I have written alot of cheques that are going to be bouncing around town like runaway rubber balls. I have never missed a mortgage payment and I am scared shitless. Then I stay awake at night trying to figure a way out of this mess. This sends my anxiety level through the roof. This means I need more anxiety meds to help me sleep. I don't have the money for that. So I worry more. Which means I need more meds that I can't afford so I worry more. And so it goes round and round. I know no one can help me out of this, but I am hoping that getting it off my chest will help. Thanks for listening.


Candace said...

Phone the bank and ask for either an extension or a "one-time" interest-only payment. If you give them a heads-up, rather than having it bounce, they'll likely be okay with it provided you don't make a habit of it.

Canadian Sentinel said...

That sounds like good advice. I'd listen to Candace.

Yes... banks can be forgiving of the rare late payment. This happens all the time. Talk to 'em.

I'm lucky I've never missed a payment. But then again, the few times I hadn't any cash to make a payment on my student loan, I charged it to my Visa. Ditto paying to fix up my old cars (not a problem anymore, as I lease a brand new one and shouldn't have any surprises now).

And beware of lending money to family members. I'm still owed a thousand bucks by a parent who didn't really need it but spent it anyway.

Guttergirl, you're not alone in the crappy-finance thing... trust me. Been there myself for years and still am... all that debt... wish I had just went to a trade school rather than an overrated, too-damn-expensive university (I'm still paying thru the nose for the right to put three fucking letters after my name on my resume, not that it's as impressive as I thought it would be... sigh).

Canuckguy said...

Sentinel, whatdaya got a degree in, a BA in basket weaving?