Gimmie Some Love



100% Free Personals from JustSayHi

Monday, May 22, 2006

Stolen from SLY

  1. 1. Would you marry for money? I'd marry for money, sex, or love. In a book I read once, the mom says a woman should marry times. The first for love, second for money, third for security and the fourth for companionship. Made sense to me.
  2. Have you had braces? No
  3. Could you live without a computer? Not a chance. Then who would I bitch to?
  4. If you could live in any past time period, where would it be? Someone once told me I reminded them of a hippie from the sixties. Not a hippie from today but a Woodstock hippie. That would be me.
  5. . Do you drink enough water? No.
  6. . Do you wear shoes in the house or take 'em off? I take them off. How can I yell at the kids about not dragging dirt into the house if I do it. I can only use "because I am the Mom " so many times.
  7. What are your favorite fruits? Strawberries, Raspberries, Green Grapes. They have to be green.
  8. What is your favorite place to visit? Home.
  9. Are you photogenic?Not a chance. Ever wonder why there are no pictures of me here? That is why. I always look either like I have been hit rrepeatly by the ugly truck or I escaped from the mental hospital. Neither is pretty.
  10. Do you dream in color or black and white? Colour
  11. Why did you take this survey? I ran out of ideas for the blog that weren't depressing.( That might still follow though) so I stole this from SLY.
  12. Do you drink alcohol? Yup. More than I used to . Bailey's and milk is my poison. I justify it by claiming it is my calcium for the week.
  13. What is the most beautiful language? Spanish
  14. Do you like being kissed when you are asleep? I am asleep, how am I supposed to know? Now I am happy if anyone kisses me at all.
  15. What do you like Most: Sunrise or sunset? Sunset. If I am watching a sunrise, it means I got up way to early.
  16. Do you want to live until you're 100 yrs old? Most days I don't want to live til the end of the week.
  17. Is a flat stomach important to you? I want one, but not enough to do thousands of situps.
  18. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights switched on or off? Off!
  19. Do you believe in magic? Isn't that a song?
  20. Do you like to watch cartoons? Since I am trapped in a house full of children, cartoons are a neccessary evil. However, I do enjoy Arthur and will watch him when no one else is home.
  21. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real? There is no Santa Claus?!? Now your going to tell me there is no Easter Bunny either.
  22. Do you write poems? No
  23. Do you snore? Yes. Especially when I have a cold, am overtired or stressed.
  24. You sleep more on your back, front,or sides? Side and stomach.
  25. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler? Neither. Not a big fan of dogs.
  26. Are you basically a happy person? You have to be kidding me.
  27. Are you tired? Not yet
  28. Do you drink anything with caffeine? Coffee, Tea, Coke
  29. How many landline/cellphones do you have in your house? One landline. Two cell phones.
  30. Do you get along with your parents? Yes.
  31. Do u smoke? No
  32. Do you have a kittycat? Yes. Snowwhite was rescued from the animal shelter. However she prefers my husband. (No Mark, you can't eat them.)
  33. Have you ever had a birthday party? My mom used to make the best birthday parties. Now that I am grown up, no one has one for me.
  34. What do you do when you're sad? Listen to music and blog.
  35. What do you need most now? Someone to love me with passion forever. (and a hug)
  36. What song are you listening to now? I Should Be Sleeping. (It makes me think of him. He sings it to me sometimes)
  37. What are you craving right now? Him.


Leigh said...

I love your list. I am sending you a hug. That and some Baileys. Have a great day.

Sheena LaShay said...

What is with us and craving "them"

The Idiot Speaketh said...

If u ever change your mind about that cat...let me know. I have a fork in one hand, a knife in the other and have a Spongebob bib tied around my drooling neck right now!

guttergirl said...

Thanks gang!

Mark, is that a blender I hear in the distance?